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06 April 2011

International Seminar Indonesia, Jordania, Palestine, and Malaysia

International Seminar Indonesia, Jordania, Palestine, and Malaysia “Building the Economic society through  the economic Model of Islam"
Pekanbaru, March 14th, 2011, STIE-RIAU & AKBAR, Islam has been descended by Allah SWT through His messenger Muhammad SAW, is a kaffah religion that manages the whole aspects of human’s life wether it is about: Morals, Ethics, Politics, Culture, and Economy. The application of Islam in public life depends on the faith and the readiness of the community itself, for those whose already trusted and embraced Islam all aspects of their life should be under the influence of its teachings. Currently, The Development of Islamic Economy began to rise in many moslem countries such as: Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Jordania, and others up to non-muslim countries such as: England, Sweden, and Singapore. It begins with the system of Islamic banking, Islamic insurance, Islamic capital market and also to the Islamic financial system. Another problem that is not less important is the availability of experts and sources of reference in the development of Islamic economics. Since most muslim countries are the lands which were originally occupied by non-muslim countries through colonialism which has created the mindset and actions of the intellectuals to be more referred to the non-muslim intellectual thought contrary to the thinking principles that have been outlined by the religion of Islam. The system has been so powerful valid and rooted in the society and the state so as to eliminate the effect required the continous and sustained efforts from all parties so that they can be created the belief that Islam is not only just an economic discourse in the seminar but also could be applied in the society and the state’s life. This effort requires the seriousness of all parties especially those who have influence, directly, or indirectly to the community and the country. It is clear that the systems which are not based on the religion of Islam in muslim countries will only create mudharat (harm) and alienate the people from the purpose for which man is created that is devoted to Allah SWT. What has emerged is a system that pursues wordly pleasures (hedonic) or follow the never ended passions. The destruction of the communist countries and capitalist system has been proved that the Islamic economic system is the best. The reason why the seminar was held is to looking for the alternative thinking on economic problems of the society which are rooted in religion teachings of Islam.
Mr. Zainul Bahar Noor (Keynote Speaker) Indonesian Ambassador for Jordania & Palestina, President  Director (1991-1996) and Commissioner  (1996-2008) of Bank Muamalat.
Islamic Economic: Challengge and Opportunity
“The Growth of Muslim People Economic Development Globalization Era”

  Sesi I

Prof. Nu’man El-Khatib, Al Isra University Amman Jordania

Strengthening the relationship of the main OIC countries , ( Indonesia, Malaysia, Jordania) through the close cooperation countries in implementing syariah economic and banking system.
Prof. Dr. Barjoyai Bardai, Universitas Tun Abdul Razak, Malaysia
The implementation of islamic economy model in the South East Asia.
Mr. Riyadh el-Hassan
Chairman of WAFA
The media significant roles and contribution in the economic growth of a country and the development of the country’s banking industry through the persfective of islam.

MR. Muchlis  Yusuf, ANTARA , Indonesia  Agency News
The media significant roles and contribution in the economic growth of a country and the development of the country’s banking industry through the persfective of islam.
“The Role and Development of Islamic Economics (Banking, Insurance, Capital Markets)


Prof. Dr. Abdul Gafar Ismail, Ahli Ekonomi Islam “Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia”
The Ziswaf concept ( zakat, infaq, shodaqoh, and wakaf ) as the one of the economic policy’s component.
PROF. DR. M Amin Aziz Ahli Ekonomi Islam (Former of Comisaris of bank Muamalat)
The influence of BMT towards the development of the small medium enterprise in Indonesia.
Bank of Indonesia
Islam Economic model, syariah banking and its  Matters


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